Labels:bulletin board | dialog box | monitor | reckoner | sky | web site | window OCR: Ruxi image PUDRSTer Uevecoer's shaw how to find thumbnails with spex ific charartenistics. Sat: Sort thumbnails in Sort Catalog 1 by NameSort Sort Catalog 1by KindSort This and tells Kudo to sart the catalog Undelete: Undelete a previously deleted thumbnail. Undelete Th umbnail 1 of Catalog Upd ate: Add/ Update image files toa Kudo catalog Update Catalog 1 with alias Hard Drive:Clip Art" This comm and will tells Kudo taupd ate its catalog with the specified file folder or valume RUGO Puooster Vevercper specific aracteristics window NarmeSort Kudr lelete talog volume